All work and no play? Nope.
Let’s just cut to the chase. If you believe that serious professionals must also be serious people, working at Yanga is probably not your cup of tea (or sports water for that matter). At Yanga we believe that happy people who enjoy their work, perform better.

Bold and fun driven
We believe that whatever you do, it is good to be true to yourself and others. So these are the values we bring to everything we do.
We’re boundary pushers
It’s not about beating the competition, but about finding the best version of yourself. We’re curious, creative and bold. We also know that failing can be very important if you learn from it.
We find the fun
Fun is the core of who we are, and it seeps through in everything we do. From every crazy brainstorm session to our daily e-mailing. And we love to celebrate a job well done.
We are different, together
Doing things just a little different is what makes us tick. Also, different people bring different perspectives and that helps us to come up with creative new ideas that help us reach our goals.
We breathe the spirit of teamwork
We believe creating business requires colleagues that have each other's back. The need to work together and help each other reach our full potential is in every fiber of our being.
Just imagine a day in our office
As soon as you open the doors, you are welcomed by a colorful wave of rainbow sprinkles and dancing unicorns. Well no, actually it’s just an office, but there are a lot of great things there that will make you love your workplace as much as we do.
For example:
- … The Yanga never stops flowing
- … Fresh fruit
- … We encourage flexible working hours
- … And enjoy each other's company when it suits us
- … If you like, you can hit the gym together
You can be a part of this
Do you think you have what it takes to Yanga? Check out our vacancies. We look forward to meeting you!